Alidor Dolfing
"We love the smell of film in the morning"
Alidor Dolfing
Kurt Vandemaele, Cinevox, Alidor Dolfing
"De heren achter de artiestennaam Alidor Dolfing zijn al even zot als hun pseudoniem."
Kurt Vandemaele
Short Film Festival Leuven, IKL, Alidor Dolfing, Wien For Life
"Dit olijke duo leverde zonder twijfel de meest entertainende pitch van het festival." (IKL 2014)
Programme Director International Shorfilm Festival Leuven
Frank Moens
Canvas, Alidor Dolfing, Wien For Life
'We've got a winner (for life): 11,5% marktaandeel en 155000 kijkers."
kortfilm kijkcijferrecord voor Wien For Life (maart 2016)

Inside Alidor Dolfing

Inside Alidor Dolfing

We work from the spirit within ourself. Led by our ancestors, heyoka's and the wind.

Inspired by people we meet, stories we hear, books we read and movies we see.

Heart and soul, ink and canvas, light and dialogue.

We have drama and we love humor. 

Inkbrothers we are.

Back from the future with more drama!

Who the fuck?

Wien For Life, Alidor Dolfing, kortfilm

Alidor Dolfing® is a two-headed ancestral spirit!

Nyk Dekeyser


By honoring and combining the names of their ancestors Nyk Dekeyser & Mark Bouwmeester joined forces in 2006 to explore film, both as screenwriters and as directors.

Mark Bouwmeester


Door de namen van hun voorouders te (combin)eren bundelden Mark en Nyk in 2006 hun krachten om zich te verdiepen in film. Zowel als scenarist als regisseur.